Monday, 10 January 2011

Monday's Life Drawing Session

Monday’s Life Drawing Session:

As an artist, I haven’t had any experience with Life drawing so the session on Monday was really informative. The session leader, Will Teather, organised a series of short (but growing progressively longer) sketches using the life model with a focus on cutting back the number of lines that are used to shape the image. This was a definite challenge and that can be seen pretty well with my first sketch where these ‘hesitant lines’ are still apparent.  The second and third sketches were much better. I think that was probably due to a change of mind-set.  I decided that I would follow those rules and see where it took me.

The second sketch I used light strokes to get the form right, before powering through with some strong singular lines to cement that form. One issue I found was rendering well. Will gave me some advice that in whatever way I render, the pencil strokes should remain the same. I made sure to use that advice to my advantage in the later sketches.

The toughest of the sketches was definitely the last pose. I found it very difficult to get any kind of bearing on where to start, which was irritating two fold due to the invitingly long time span in relation to the other drawings (early sketches: 7 – 20 minutes, the final sketch: 50 minutes). With that kind of timespan I could have really experimented and created a powerfully rendered piece but in the end, I only just managed to get to grips with the form by the end of that time – something which I achieved in a fraction of the time in other sketches.
Nevertheless, despite one troublesome position, I felt that it was a very good experience as an artist and in relation to the topic: animation. Only by knowing how anatomy and movements affect form can you become a good animator so I am looking forward to next week’s session.

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