Thursday, 20 January 2011

Thursdays animating session

Fortunately, due to the previous 2D ball animating session, today I had a perfect arc to work with, so I focused on keeping the form consistent (to maximise how ‘clean’ the animation was) and also on getting the timing perfect (to maximise how ‘smooth’ the fall was). One of the early but consistent issues that I have had with my animation so far was that my fall is ‘too quick’ so I took the somewhat quicker method of using a solid block of colour for the ball using a brush size so that I could spend more time on ball placement on the arc.
The next step was to add squash and stretch which for artistic preferences; I chose to be somewhat smaller than most bouncing ball animations for a slightly more realistic feel.  This was the final outcome:

Over the course of the four bouncing ball animations, a significant improvement can be seen. This is because of two reasons. Firstly addressing feedback in an iterative manner – best seen in the jump between the 3rd and Final. I made sure that those points were addressed in the base model, before any work on squash and stretch. The second reason was simply through experience. The first bouncing ball was somewhat flawed. There is a lack of weight behind the moving ball whereas, the 3rd and final ball were much more weighted in their landing and subsequent rise. This exercise has been both enjoyable and an education in how important all of those principles are to achieving a smooth and realistic animation.

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