Monday, 21 February 2011

Monday's Topology Lecture

The morning lecture today was largely based around explaining the concept of Topography. Having been asking around over the weekend about the topic, most of the responses related Topography to the geographical term for contours on a map. This meant that I roughly knew that it was going to be a similar vein to that response – but in relation to the contours on the human face.
Marks explanation was almost this. Topography is about the understanding of contours on the face, and the overall flow of the face around key areas such as the eyes and mouth. By knowing this, the mesh can then be converted into a form which reflects this. Why is this necessary? Well topological meshing means that low res facial models can retain a huge amount of detail as each face is optimised in its use – a crucial property in the games industry for placing characters into a game engine. The more polygons a character has, the more the computer has to work – meaning that keeping a low count can be crucial on a game project. Furthermore, simply understanding the presence of topography on the face can improve an artist’s work at a fundamental level. From my new found understanding of Topography means now I shall be able to revisit the link from before and use it to aid me.

From today’s lecture it is clear three tasks still await me:

-Start and complete the high-res facial sculpt
-After Completion, analyse the topography through a paint layer
-Continue to study topography.

Tomorrow’s Media lab time means that I will be able to get started on the high res facial sculpt, while Stop Staring is a resource I shall read on and off this week, dependant on if any issues arise during the modelling stage.

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